NOTE: Patient recruitment for the TAP Study is now closed. We are still recruiting clinicians to complete a short survey.
How many people are you interviewing?
About 1315 people will take part in the TAP study. This study has two phases. In the first phase, interviewers will speak with approximately 45 patients and 15 physicians in person. In the second phase, participants will be given an option to complete a survey by telephone, mail or the internet.
How are cancer cases identified?
In California, people who are diagnosed with cancer are identified though the California Cancer Registry (CCR). Because cancer is considered a reportable disease, state law requires that doctors, hospitals and other facilities that diagnose and/or treat cancer patients report to the CCR. The CCR ensures that the rights and confidentiality of all our potential research participants are protected.
How long will this study last?
The study will run for 5 years.
How will the information I give you be used?
The information will be used to improve our understanding about how different men make decisions about their prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.
What if I don’t want to answer all the questions?
You don't have to answer any questions that you do not wish to answer. However, every question is important to the success of the study, and your responses will be kept confidential.
Can I get a copy of the results of the study?
We can put your name on a list to receive a copy of the results once they are available. The results will not likely be completed until sometime after 2022.
How will my privacy be protected?
All information collected in this study will be used for our research only and will be kept confidential. To protect your privacy, you will be assigned a study number. Your name will not be associated with your responses, nor will it appear in any reports. Confidential information and details about the study must be kept in locked files.
Who is funding this study?
This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).